Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post 10

There it was. Sitting on the street, old and dirty and beautiful. Hans couldn't believe it, a beautiful 20 dollar bill. Right outside the vietnamese restauraunt. Hans couldn't remember the last time he had a hot meal. He grabbed the bill and ran. Inside, the restaurant smelled wonderful. The owner didn't spare Hans a second look as he walked in. Hans sat down and ordered the first thing on the menu: roast pork dumplings. The waiter looked skeptical when Hans ordered, but at the sight of the bill in Hans's hand, he scurried away to the kitchen. Hans looked around. The room was dark and smelled slighty of old tobacco and BBQ sauce. The air hung thick and the eyes of the other patrons glinted out of the darkness like animals. They were Animals. And they hunted him. They had always hunted him and they always would. He was just prey to them. Prey to be chased and hunted and slaughtered mercilessly for sport and the carcass left for the vultures. The waiter appeared out of the smoke and placed the food on the table. Then he disapeared again. Hans wasted no time in devouring the dumplings. They were heaven. Hans had never taseted anything like then. The waiter was standing by him again. " how is everything sir?" " sehr gut." mumbled Hans through his food. He fished the 20 out of his pocket and handed it to the waiter who disappeared again. Hans finished his food and looked around. Suddenly he felt as though the eyes were watching him. They were hungery. He was full and now it was time for them to be satisfied. They knew it was time to pounce. Fear siezed Hans deep down. He ran out of the restaurant at top speed, ignoring the calls of the waiter. He ran throughthe streets, konigin barking behind him. Hans didn't stop until he tripped over something in the road and fell. He tried to get up but his legs wouldn't work. Hans finally gave in to the struggle and embraced the oncomming darkness.