Friday, March 25, 2011

post 9

When Hans opened his eyes, Königin was looking at him. A half of a hamburger still in its wrapper lay at her feet. She moved it towards him with her nose. "Danke..."
"What the hell?"
Hans looked up. A chick who looked like she had suffered a severe beating was standing at the end of the street looking at him.
"Man what the Hell? Your dog just stole my hamburger and ran off."
The girl moved closer. Hans realized that what he had taken for bruises was actually too much eye makeup.
"Es tud mir leid..." Hans offered the hamburger back to her.
"Hell no! I don't know what your damn dirty dog did to it!"
Hans forced himself to his feet, despite the protests from every muscle in his body.
"Frauline, I am sorry but Königin is not dirty. And she deserves as much respect as anyone else. I cannot stand by and allow you to speak about her that way."
The girl sneered at him. He wondered how she managed to smile with those metal things stuck through her lips.
"Oh so you do actually speak English? Not just mumbo jumbo? I'm surprised. Look this neighborhood is trash as it is so just go to Hell where you belong and tell your damn dog not to steal my food anymore. I worked for that food. You probably never did a days work in your life."
It took every piece of self restraint Hans possessed not to hit this infuriating little child. She didn't look a day over 18 and probably thought she knew everything about life.
"Listen to me, Madchen. I have had enough of your kinderspiel. You do not know everything simply because you stick metal through your face and you do not know trouble because you got your hamburger stolen. I have seen things and done things that would make your childish mind reel. And neither Königin nor I are going anywhere. We have earned our place. Let's see you do as much!"
The girl looked like she wanted to say something, but at that moments sirens wailed in the direction of the bank and the girl turned in their direction. Hans took the opportunity to vanish into the shadows with Königin.

Friday, March 11, 2011

post 8

The flames leaped up towards the sky like a child's fingers reaching for a treasure. People were running every which way, some screaming, some crying. The man with the liquor screamed as his profits burned away. Agnes Monaghan with her cotton candy ran blindly down an alleyway, tears streaming down her face. In her blindness, she ran full force into a man with a dog.
"Oh I'm so so..."
Her voice trailed away as she saw the man. She had never seen him before, but he struck her as familiar. His hair was matter and he wore an eye-patch. The dog next to him actually seemed to smile up at her. But, far stranger then his appearance, the man was laughing. He threw back his head and laughed a wild hysterical laugh.
"Das Feuer!" Ich liebe das Feuer!"
Agnes backed away. Then she turned and ran full speed away. Hans stood there and laughed long after she had gone. The fire warmed his soul with a warmth he had not felt since Leona died. In his mind's eye Hans saw the flames licking the side of his house. Those flames were the work of his hands. Leona was gone and the world had turned against him. Yet he was not tied down.
Meinen Haus ist nicht dein... Ich bin frei...
Hans began to run. He ran towards the carnival, past clowns whose makeup streamed off their faces with sweat. He ran past the collapsing feris wheel, past the stalls and shops that would burn for a while and then succumb to ashes. He was the prince and each tongue of flame was his subject. Nothing could stop him. Königin ran next to him. His Königin... his Queen.
Smoke ran into his nostrils and choked him. Hans fell to the ground, laughing and coughing at the same time.
"Ich liebe dich, Königin!"
Then blackness swallowed him.

post 7

The carnival was in town. If not for that, Hans would have enjoyed the spring weather. The sky was blue and the sun kissed his sad face in a way that made him almost handsome. “Heute ist eine neue Tag…” The thought somehow made him happy. It meant something he had never had: a new start. No one had ever given him a second chance…
A busload of kids was unloading. Their tiny voices made Hans’s head hurt. Pastor Dan was standing on the street preaching about the evils of the carnival. Swinehundt… Königin walked next to him, a quiet reminder that sanity still existed in the world. Hans stood for a moment and looked at the carnival. Nobody would ever let him into that place. They took one look and decided he wasn’t worth it. Hans looked at the ferris wheel. It stopped after every rotation. “Just like me.” thought Hans. “As soon as I get rolling, I hit a snag.” Suddenly, he realized there were tears on his cheeks. Königin nuzzled his hand. “Danke, mein Rose. Ich bin sehr trauig… Ich will nach Hause gehen… Los gehts.” Man and dog turned away from the shouts and laughter and walked towards the sun. They did not look back until the carnival was out of sight.