Tuesday, August 17, 2010

post 1

It was a dark and stormy night. The dark of the street moved around the corners of the houses. Rats scurried, dogs barked, and cats howled in the allies. 2nd chances strip club shook with music and drunken laughter. In the deepest shadows among the doorways, a deeper shadow moved. A man stood, watching the night club across the street. His face was difficult to read; a mixture of incredible sadness and a dark, ironic humor. His hair was dark and disheveled, and hung long to his shoulders. An eyepatch covered his right eye and a scar ran across his left cheek. His beard was grey and dirty, his eye a grey-blue and so lonely in its expression, that one could scarcely bare to look at it for long. His clothes were old and worn with no spark of style or color about them, save for plain gold wedding band on his left ring finger. He stood for a moment then whistled through his teeth. A large, white wolf appeared from the shadows and stood staring the man in the eye. The wolf was beautiful: clear, blue eyes and a pure white coat. When he saw her, the man's expression became something that might almost have been a smile. Then, the look was gone and his eye turned to look at the noisy night club across the street. Hans-Georg spoke softly to his only friend in the world: "Kommst du Königin. Wir seid Hause gehen."

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